Aspose.Words for .NET 15.3.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Words for .NET 15.3 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 131 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

Improvements in the layout engine for handling RTL text, text boxes, cell vertical alignment and others.

Improvements in import/export for all file formats.

Optimized output size of PDF documents for some cases.

Document.WarningCallback property can now send you loss of formatting warnings at anytime during document lifetime, not only during saving.

Fields are now updated inside DrawingML shapes.

ShapeRenderer.OpaqueBoundsInPoints returns the “real” shape bounds.

Improvements in rendering of fills, 3D text effects and others.

The BARCODE field is supported now so you can add a custom barcode generator.

All Changes

Key Summary Category
WORDSNET-10007 Fields in shapes // Aspose.Words does not update SECTIONPAGES fields automatically Bug
WORDSNET-10356 DocumentBuilder.InsertImage lose original size of image Bug
WORDSNET-10466 Doc to Pdf conversion issue with SYMBOL 168 Bug
WORDSNET-10626 Doc to RTF conversion issue with TextBox orientation Bug
WORDSNET-10644 Comments indication are shifted to the right in FF/Chrome for the document Bug
WORDSNET-10649 Aspose.Words generated PDF output does not match MS Word Bug
WORDSNET-10811 Aspose.Words corrupts the document when saving from DOCX to WordML Bug
WORDSNET-10881 Bullets are missing from SmartArt when Docx is exported to Pdf/Doc Bug
WORDSNET-10907 Image width/height are not being set correctly in DOCX when aspect ratio is locked Bug
WORDSNET-11003 Text position is changed after conversion from Docx to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-11004 DrawingML.Width and DrawingML.Height do not work Bug
WORDSNET-11019 Doc to Pdf conversion issue with footer’s contents Bug
WORDSNET-11036 Table’s header row is missing after re-saving the Doc file Bug
WORDSNET-11038 Position of table’s contents are changed after re-saving Doc file Bug
WORDSNET-11065 Document.Save corrupts the Hyperlinks Bug
WORDSNET-11075 Bug whereby comments appear in wrong place when converting RTF to Word format Bug
WORDSNET-11133 The text formatting of DrawingML is lost after converting from Docx to Pdf/HTML Bug
WORDSNET-11134 Text color of DrawingML is lost after conversion from Docx to Pdf/Html/Doc/Docx Bug
WORDSNET-11149 Blue lines appear when converting a flow chart to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-11168 Tab characters are added after re-saving RTF Bug
WORDSNET-11203 Incorrect representation of RTL text in HTML DOM Bug
WORDSNET-11248 Bookmark position is changed after conversion from Doc to Html Bug
WORDSNET-11252 Border should not be visible in Aspose.Words generated output documents Bug
WORDSNET-11262 Some entries of TOC are pushed down to the next page in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-11277 HTML to Docx/Doc issue with left indentation Bug
WORDSNET-11291 Docx to Pdf conversion issue with left indentation of list items Bug
WORDSNET-11324 Issues with table heights in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-11340 Html to Doc/Pdf/Html conversion issue with Arial black font Bug
WORDSNET-11352 ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent return incorrect value Bug
WORDSNET-11355 Incorrect Y position is returned by LayoutEnumerator Bug
WORDSNET-11357 Twip-based attributes with fractional parts rounds up for DOCX or WML. Bug
WORDSNET-11418 Track changes on pictures issue during DOCX to HTML conversion Bug
WORDSNET-11422 Hyperlink is chagned after covnersion from Doc to Doc/Docx Bug
WORDSNET-11433 Doc to Docm conversion issue with embedded images Bug
WORDSNET-11474 Document.PageCount returns wrong value Bug
WORDSNET-11475 A DrawingML is not preserved during open/save a DOC Bug
WORDSNET-11508 Conversion into Postscript, special characters (german Umlauts) get lost Bug
WORDSNET-11514 LoadOptions.WebRequestTimeout ignores the web request time out Bug
WORDSNET-11520 Issue with font family which is not reflected in Word document Bug
WORDSNET-11528 Document locks up Aspose.Words while getting page count. Bug
WORDSNET-11537 Docx to fixed file format conversion issue with STYLEREF Bug
WORDSNET-11541 WORDSNET-10264 was not resolved in 14.10.0 Bug
WORDSNET-11549 Conditional Merge fields causing whole document to not merge Bug
WORDSNET-11561 Assertion on Part.Height < 0 for a text box Bug
WORDSNET-11562 Table’s contents are missing after conversion from Docx to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-11572 Chart data values overlap Pie chart’s graphical area Bug
WORDSNET-11573 Bookmark’s contents are not visible after conversion from Docx to Docx/Doc/Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-11574 Document.Save method does not stop while converting Docx to Png Bug
WORDSNET-11583 When converting Word document to PDF, there are additional empty pages Bug
WORDSNET-11587 Some elements of a wmf image are missing in AW pdf output Bug
WORDSNET-11595 Complete image inside INCLUDEPICTURE is not visible after mail merge Bug
WORDSNET-11596 Shape.SizeInPoints returns incorrect value if shape is child node of GroupShape Bug
WORDSNET-11600 A picture overlaps Table in HtmlFixed Bug
WORDSNET-11613 Images in .DOC files being shifting to LEFT on save Bug
WORDSNET-11675 DocumentBuilder.InsertImage causing Wrapping error Bug
WORDSNET-3922 Huge DOCX document failed to load Bug
WORDSNET-4985 UnsupportedFileFormatException is thrown when try to open ODT document. Bug
WORDSNET-5444 Paragraph down border is rendered incorrectly inside the text box. Bug
WORDSNET-5477 Content is moved outside textbox after rendering. Bug
WORDSNET-5479 Image effects are lost after updating page layout. Bug
WORDSNET-5623 Aspose.Words returns incorrect indents. Bug
WORDSNET-5726 Specified Alpha color component in Shape.FillColor exported incorrectly to DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-6037 /aps/ Page border should be rendered behind the comments Bug
WORDSNET-6186 Run.Font.Bold returns incorrect value Bug
WORDSNET-6221 Text overlapped while Converting Word document to PDF. Bug
WORDSNET-7264 /shading bounds/ Paragraph shading overlaps wrapped image in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-7438 Conversion of MS Word document to HTML issue with overlapped shapes Bug
WORDSNET-7497 DML rescaling does not work when specifying non-uniform aspect ratio Bug
WORDSNET-8580 RTF to Pdf conversion issue with content rendering at first page Bug
WORDSNET-9695 Docx to Html conversion issue with image position Bug
WORDSNET-9975 /aps/ /trailing space shading/ The last letter is cut off after conversion from Docx to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-9982 Fields in shapes // Aspose.Words does not update TIME and DATE fields automatically Bug
WORDSNET-9983 Fields in shapes // Aspose.Words does not update NUMPAGES, PAGE fields automatically Bug
WORDSNET-10617 Add feature to implement IWarningCallback for Document.RenderToSize method Enhancement
WORDSNET-10900 Issue with resizing DrawingML node Enhancement
WORDSNET-10923 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when specifying password via LoadOptions Enhancement
WORDSNET-10949 Document.AppendDocument throws System.ArgumentException for cloned documents Enhancement
WORDSNET-11302 Footer position is changed after conversion from Docx to Pdf Enhancement
WORDSNET-11403 Throw warning using IWarningCallback when an image is unavailable Enhancement
WORDSNET-11490 Doc to Pdf conversion issue with footer position Enhancement
WORDSNET-11502 DrawingML shape that simultaneously has 3D effect and others effects is rendered incorrectly (except simultaneous applying three effects - 3D effect, Outer shadow and Reflection) Enhancement
WORDSNET-11511 Header content does not render correctly in HtmlFixed Enhancement
WORDSNET-11609 Frames with inline shapes truncated, wrapped incorrectly in a multi-column section Enhancement
WORDSNET-2268 Consider support of CSS3 paged media attributes Enhancement
WORDSNET-4167 Page Background specified using picture is not displayed in HTML. Enhancement
WORDSNET-4195 Space appears between two inline images in HTML output Enhancement
WORDSNET-4580 Size of image is incorrect after inserting to document. Enhancement
WORDSNET-5818 document to pdf conversion, shape width increase Enhancement
WORDSNET-6133 Space between number and text in a heading is incorrect when rendering Enhancement
WORDSNET-6273 Docx to PDF conversion issue with table Enhancement
WORDSNET-6494 Table is not being rendered properly during conversion DOC to PNG Enhancement
WORDSNET-6593 Text formatting issue while converting Docx to Pdf Enhancement
WORDSNET-6684 Table in footer has incorrect width. Enhancement
WORDSNET-6711 Docx to PDf conversion issue, text misplaced Enhancement
WORDSNET-8780 Position of floating DrawingML is incorrect after exporting Docx to HTML Enhancement
WORDSNET-9679 Bullet symbols in SmartArt are not rendering in Pdf Enhancement
WORDSNET-10619 System.TypeInitializationException occurs when creating Document instance Exception
WORDSNET-11088 Document.UpdatePageLayout throws System.InvalidOperationException Exception
WORDSNET-11183 System.InvalidOperationException is thrown while saving Docx to Pdf Exception
WORDSNET-11491 System.StackOverflowException is thrown while saving doc to pdf Exception
WORDSNET-11507 Null Pointer Exception with MergeFields execute Exception
WORDSNET-11519 NodeImporter.ImportNode throws System.ArgumentException Exception
WORDSNET-11522 System.InvalidOperationException occurs during rendering DOCX to PDF Exception
WORDSNET-11523 System.InvalidOperationException occurs during rendering DOCX to PDF Exception
WORDSNET-11524 System.InvalidOperationException occurs during rendering DOCX to PDF Exception
WORDSNET-11526 System.StackOverflowException during rendering to PDF Exception
WORDSNET-11535 Document.Save throws System.InvalidOperationException Exception
WORDSNET-11544 Document.Save throws System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException Exception
WORDSNET-11576 Stroke.Color throws System.NullReferenceException Exception
WORDSNET-11580 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException is thrown while loading Docx Exception
WORDSNET-11621 System.NullReferenceException occurs during saving a DOCX Exception
WORDSNET-11635 System.NullReferenceException occurs during saving a DOCX Exception
WORDSNET-11637 System.NullReferenceException occurs during saving a DOC to PDF Exception
WORDSNET-11644 System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown while re-saving Docx Exception
WORDSNET-11651 System.NullReferenceException is thrown while re-saving Docx Exception
WORDSNET-11673 Stroke.Color throws System.NullReferenceException Exception
WORDSNET-10775 Add feature to support HTML TextArea tag to load into DOM same as MS Word does Feature
WORDSNET-10812 Aspose.Words corrupts the document when saving from DOCX to WordML Feature
WORDSNET-10944 Support for DISPLAYBARCODE merge field Feature
WORDSNET-11443 Export Content Controls as SDT tags in HTML Feature
WORDSNET-5742 Implement support for new AbsolutePositionTab model node. Feature
WORDSNET-11009 Document.UpdateFields takes time to update fields Performance
WORDSNET-11109 Document.UpdatePageLayout takes much time to complete Performance
WORDSNET-11450 Excessive PDF output file size issue Performance
WORDSNET-11525 Bad rendering performance Performance
WORDSNET-11559 Document.UpdatePageLayout or MHTML to PDF hangs if ResourceLoadingAction.Skip is set Performance
WORDSNET-11447 System.NullReferenceException occurs when calling ToString(SaveFormat.Text) Regression
WORDSNET-11465 Incorrect brackets in RTL text when saving to fixed formats Regression
WORDSNET-11516 When converting Word file to PDF logo placed in header drops into main document Regression
WORDSNET-11558 BookmarkStart.remove() causes an IllegalStateException Regression
WORDSNET-11633 DocumentBuilder.InsertImage causing Wrapping error Regression