Aspose.Words for .NET 16.10.0 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 109 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Added feature to compare document as MS Word does.
  • Added feature to get OOXML compliance version as determined from the loaded document content.
  • Font fallback while rendering fonts of Myanmar Unicode range improved.
  • DrawingML text effects rendering performance slightly improved.
  • DrawingML text box rendering effects added.
  • SVG rendering improved.
  • Detection of encoding while rendering MathML improved.
  • Chinese text rendering in HtmlFixed improved.

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

Key Summary Category
WORDSNET-10206 /font substitution/ Font fallback issue with space character Bug
WORDSNET-12191 /document grid + charSpace/ AW incorrectly wraps lines Bug
WORDSNET-12290 Images are missing from GroupShape after re-saving Doc Bug
WORDSNET-12295 /document grid + charSpace/ Some characters are misplaced after DOCX to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12296 /document grid + charSpace/ Extra page after DOCX to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-12369 Extra Revisions are appeared when a set of pages are added to Document Bug
WORDSNET-12903 Document.Compare does not mimic MS Word behavior Bug
WORDSNET-13110 Document.Compare does not mimic Microsoft Word’s compare feature Bug
WORDSNET-13145 Double line on a shape not converting correctly in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-13159 Document.Compare does not mimic Microsoft Word’s compare feature Bug
WORDSNET-13358 Japanese text moves to next line after conversion from Docx to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-13520 NodeImporter.ImportNode corrupts the output document Bug
WORDSNET-13596 Doc file becomes protected (Restrict Editing) after re-saving Bug
WORDSNET-13598 Special characters (SpecialChar) are not converted correctly in output text file format Bug
WORDSNET-13762 Document.Compare does not compare list items correctly Bug
WORDSNET-13790 Contents move to next page after conversion from Docx to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-13810 Some methods work incorrectly when field is located within a single paragraph Bug
WORDSNET-13811 Some field specific code parsers work incorrectly if the field has nested fields Bug
WORDSNET-13812 ShapeBase.AspectRatioLocked returns wrong value Bug
WORDSNET-13818 Document.Compare incorrectly compares bookmark’s text Bug
WORDSNET-13825 Corrupted document is generated on saving RTF to DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-13829 /Mixed fonts metrics/ Contents move to next page after conversion from Docx to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-13857 /font substitution/ Incorrect Arabic words are rendering in Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-13918 Shape’s text is rendered on next line in output Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-13969 Html to Docx/Pdf conversion issue with SVG “dy” attribute Bug
WORDSNET-13970 Html to Docx/Pdf conversion issue with SVG “text-anchor” attribute Bug
WORDSNET-13978 Converting DOC to PDF - Numbering changed Bug
WORDSNET-13994 The number list is changed to bullet list in output Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-13995 Discrepancy merging tables when saving as pdf Bug
WORDSNET-14002 Positions of axis lines not preserved when inserting SVG image in Word document Bug
WORDSNET-14003 Data missing when inserting SVG image in Word document Bug
WORDSNET-14015 Zero CSS values are considered invalid on certain properties in Standards mode Bug
WORDSNET-14020 Word (DOC & DOCX) file containing Burmese letters to PDF conversion Issue Bug
WORDSNET-14039 Exporting Content Controls inside bulleted and numbered lists to HTML Bug
WORDSNET-14042 WORDSNET-13833 has not resolved in v16.7.0 Bug
WORDSNET-14057 Chinese words are rotated after conversion from Doc to HtmlFixed Bug
WORDSNET-14066 Signature become invalid after conversion from Docx to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-14068 When Chart object in Word document is converted to .jpg image, part of legend is missing Bug
WORDSNET-14072 Footer of produced PDF file has different alignment Bug
WORDSNET-14073 DocumentBuilder.InsertDocument changes page margins in output document Bug
WORDSNET-14077 /font substitution/ Txt to Pdf conversion issue with text encoding/rendering Bug
WORDSNET-14081 Text overlapping when Word document is converted to PDF Bug
WORDSNET-14085 Chart’s Data Table is not rendered correctly in Doc/Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-14086 Image color is lost after conversion from Docx to Html Bug
WORDSNET-14096 Hebrew text alignment problem in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-14115 Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException when opening RTF file Bug
WORDSNET-14117 DOCX to PDF conversion produces blurred output Bug
WORDSNET-14121 Image renders as black box in output XPS Bug
WORDSNET-14130 WriteProtection.IsWriteProtected returns wrong value for RTF Bug
WORDSNET-14132 Images are inverted after conversion from Doc to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-14133 Images are inverted after conversion from Doc to Pdf Bug
WORDSNET-14141 /Mixed fonts metrics/ A blank page got inserted when rendering Bug
WORDSNET-14149 Lower case formatting of mail merge is lost in output document Bug
WORDSNET-14155 MS Word equation conversion problem during rendering Bug
WORDSNET-14158 Formula negative value is not rendered correctly (German) Bug
WORDSNET-14163 Hyperlink.Result update => lost link formatting (font size, link color) Bug
WORDSNET-14180 Range.Replace overloads not finding text to replace in citations Bug
WORDSNET-4632 REF field switches does not work correctly. Bug
WORDSNET-4723 Field code is taken from a deleted run when change tracking is on. Bug
WORDSNET-5789 /KeepWithNext + Shape/ The output PDF page count is greater than the input document. Bug
WORDSNET-5892 Hidden ASK field becomes visible when converting to Fixed Page Formats Bug
WORDSNET-7900 /table grid/ Table width is incorrect in PDF Bug
WORDSNET-8650 Not correct working NEXTIF field with nested fields and spaces Bug
WORDSNET-8674 Docx to Pdf conversion issue with table layout Bug
WORDSNET-8763 Table width is changed upon rendering document. Bug
WORDSNET-9217 A DrawingML is rendering more towards the left edge of PDF Bug
WORDSNET-9249 /advanced typography/ Arabic characters are being rendered as circles in TIFF format Bug
WORDSNET-9295 Contents are missing in output Pdf file after conversion from Doc file Bug
WORDSNET-9306 Dashed type Straight Line Connector Shape is converted to solid line during open/save DOCX Bug
WORDSNET-9667 Contents move to previous page after conversion from Docx to fixed file format Bug
WORDSNET-9900 BuiltInDocumentProperties.LastPrinted is not updated when saving in pdf format Bug
WORDSNET-9939 Docx to Pdf conversion issue with Field rendering Bug
WORDSNET-11358 Track changes on Heading issue in HTML Enhancement
WORDSNET-12027 Generate results closer to what Word generates after comparison Enhancement
WORDSNET-12339 Compare Word documents is wrongly comparing Normal text to Heading text Enhancement
WORDSNET-12460 Enhancement in Document.Compare when complete section is removed/inserted Enhancement
WORDSNET-12461 Enhancement in Document.Compare (when a lot of contents are changed) Enhancement
WORDSNET-14160 Reduce number of <span> in HtmlFixed Enhancement
WORDSNET-14196 Table top row is missing when DOCX converted to PDF Enhancement
WORDSNET-5582 Consider filling multiple regions with the same name. Enhancement
WORDSNET-8396 Multi-paragraph DocVariable do not render correctly in output Pdf Enhancement
WORDSNET-13297 System.InvalidOperationException occurs when saving DOCX to DOCX Exception
WORDSNET-13556 Exception is thrown in VmlShapeReader while reading VML shape Exception
WORDSNET-13775 System.ArgumentException is thrown while saving Odt to image Exception
WORDSNET-13826 System.InvalidCastException is thrown while loading document under different Culture Exception
WORDSNET-13874 Bookmark.Text throws System.ArgumentException Exception
WORDSNET-13945 LayoutEnumerator.Kind throws System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException Exception
WORDSNET-13979 System.InvalidCastException is thrown while loading document under different Culture Exception
WORDSNET-13984 inserting MathML with insertHTML - bug with binomials Exception
WORDSNET-13985 System.IndexOutOfRangeException occurs during saving to HTML Exception
WORDSNET-14023 System.NullReferenceException is thrown while saving Docx to Html. Exception
WORDSNET-14055 Document.Save throws System.NullReferenceException Exception
WORDSNET-14187 ArgumentException is thrown while saving to png Exception
WORDSNET-7527 /slow/ Document.Save method throws exception while conversion from Docx to fixed file format Exception
WORDSNET-10723 Reply To Comments nesting is lost during open/save a DOC Feature
WORDSNET-12337 Compare documents like MS Word does Feature
WORDSNET-12387 Add feature to compare document as MS Word does Feature
WORDSNET-13740 Chinese text renders incorrectly in HtmlFixed Feature
WORDSNET-13851 /document grid + charSpace/ Shape’s text is truncated in HtmlFixed Feature
WORDSNET-13852 /document grid + charSpace/ Chinese text moves to next line and pushes text to next page in HtmlFixed Feature
WORDSNET-13999 Support underline color during HTML import/export Feature
WORDSNET-14046 Support edit revisions for table cells. Feature
WORDSNET-3762 Consider adding an ability to determine 2007/2010 compliance. Feature
WORDSNET-4660 Add an ability to get field names from Addressblock fields. Feature
WORDSNET-9210 Add feature to detect OoxmlCompliance of Document Feature
WORDSNET-976 Add an analogue of the Fields.Unlink method. Feature
WORDSNET-9769 Docx-Html-Docx round-trip - Add feature to preserve Page field Feature
WORDSNET-14027 GetEffectsKey() causes a performance decrease when comparing 16.6 to 13.2 Performance
WORDSNET-14165 System.NullReferenceException occurs during converting DOCX to PDF Regression

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

This section lists public API changes that were introduced in Aspose.Words 16.10.0. It includes not only new and obsoleted public methods, but also a description of any changes in the behavior behind the scenes in Aspose.Words which may affect existing code. Any behavior introduced that could be seen as a regression and modifies existing behavior is especially important and is documented here.

WORDSNET-3762 - Added feature to get OOXML compliance version determined from the loaded document content

Starting from 16.10.0 Version of Aspose.Words you can get OOXML compliance version determined from the loaded document content.

Document doc = new Document("in.docx");
OoxmlCompliance compliance = doc.getCompliance();

Please note that it makes sense only for OOXML documents. If you created a new blank document or load non OOXML document this property returns the OoxmlCompliance.Ecma376_2006.

WORDSNET-12027 Generate results closer to what MS Word generates after comparison

Document comparison changed to compare at word level rather than at character level. This makes output looks more readable and closer to MS Word. Also speed is greatly improved for big documents.