Aspose.Words .NET Hot Fix Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Words .NET Hot Fix
A good maintenance release with two weeks worth of enhancements and fixes.
- 1355 Textbox always draws white border even when there is no line
- 1353 List indents exported incorrectly for “legacy” lists
- 1340 A document throws an exception in Aspose.Pdf.dll
- 1335 Can’t find paragraph with ID “paraId_xx”
- 1348 Setting borders properties for cell that is not appended to the row yet results in NullReferenceException
- 1341 Add the ToArray method to node collection to simplify add/remove of nodes during iteration
- 1336 Positioning of text frames in exported WML is not correct
- 1332 SaveOptions.PdfExportFormFieldsAsText is not public
- 1328 A document throws “Unknown complex shape property”
- 1327 A document throws InvalidOperationException on saving
- 1325 A document throws NullReferenceException in ModelBuilder
- 1324 When a new document is created, it has huge TotalEditingTime in MS Word
- 1318 A mail merge template throws NullReferenceException
- 1315 Expose entire merge field code in MergeFieldEventArgs.FieldCode property
- 1311 Documents created or modified by TX Text Control are not handled by Aspose.Words correctly
- 1258 Replace with evaluator cause NullReferenceException in some cases
- 1181 Openning document fails with exception ‘Not expected to be in the dead field mode when a dead field starts’
- 1176 Paragraph.IsListItem property sometimes fail to show that the paragraph is in list