Aspose.Words .NET Hot Fix Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Words .NET Hot Fix
Today’s Aspose.Words for .NET 4.2.6 release contains the following fixes and new features (most interesting new features are highlighted):
- 3192 - Document throws “Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
- 3184 - Document throws “Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: “1062” Key being added: “1062”.
- 3147 - Image in header is ignored.
- 3119 - ‘Unknown structure of an INCLUDEPICTURE field’ exception on document load.
- 3094 - Support versions in DOC.
- 3089 - UpdateFields should take formatting from field value, if possible.
- 3002 - Exception when reading a file with DOCPROPERTY fields.
- 1576 - Add support for embedded OLE documents extraction.
- 1561 - Document throws InvalidCastException on open.
- 1556 - Document throws NullReferenceException on save.
- 1554 - Document throws NullReferenceException on save.
- 1521 - Unknown structure of an INCLUDEPICTURE field.
- 1516 - ‘Unknown hyperlink format’ when opening the document.
- 1243 - Setting Font formatting of a run sets the same formatting for a previous run.
- 1224 - FormField.SetTextInputValue should keep the existing formatting of the current FormField value text.
- 1531 - Table name is not shown in MergeField event.
- 1530 - Merge field not merged with null value during simple name/value merge.
- 1489 - Merge fields lose formatting.
- 3135 - Inline images are now exported as inline to PDF.
- 1582 - Support SYMBOL fields when exporting to PDF and HTML.
- 1545 - Paragraph which is not bulleted but formatted with bullet style is output incorrectly to AsposePDF.
- 1518 - Some unicode characters are exported to HTML and PDF incorrectly.
- 1500 - Bulleted list item is exported to PDF incorrectly.
- 1354 - A non indented paragraph is exported with indents.
- 773 - Top of text in PDF starts lower than in DOC - result different pagination.
- 625 - List indent different.
- 582 - Hanging indent is not properly handled sometimes during conversion to PDF.
- 257 - If a floating image is anchored to a paragraph that contains inline image, PDF throws.
- 89 - Support header and footer From Edge setting.