In Aspose.Words you can work with comments by using the Comment class.
The following code example shows how to remove all comments in a document:
The following code example shows how to remove comments of a speciffic author:
You can also do the same using the Open XML SDK. At the same time, note that it looks somewhat more complicated and more cumbersome.
Following are the namespaces we need to add:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing;
using NUnit.Framework;
The following code example shows how to remove comments in a document:
public void DeleteCommentsByAllOrASpecificAuthorFeature()
private void RemoveComments(string author)
// Get an existing Wordprocessing document.
using (WordprocessingDocument document =
WordprocessingDocument.Open(MyDir + "Comments.docx", true))
WordprocessingCommentsPart commentPart =
// If no "WordprocessingCommentsPart" exists, there can be no comments.
// Stop execution and return from the method.
if (commentPart == null)
// Create a list of comments by the specified author.
// If the author name is empty, then list all authors.
List<Comment> commentsToDelete =
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(author))
commentsToDelete = commentsToDelete.Where(c => c.Author == author).ToList();
IEnumerable<string> commentIds =
commentsToDelete.Select(r => r.Id.Value);
foreach (Comment c in commentsToDelete)
// Save changes to the comments part.
Document doc = document.MainDocumentPart.Document;
// Delete the "CommentRangeStart" for each deleted comment in the main document.
List<CommentRangeStart> commentRangeStartToDelete =
doc.Descendants<CommentRangeStart>().Where(c => commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList();
foreach (CommentRangeStart c in commentRangeStartToDelete)
// Delete the "CommentRangeEnd" for each deleted comment in the main document.
List<CommentRangeEnd> commentRangeEndToDelete =
doc.Descendants<CommentRangeEnd>().Where(c => commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList();
foreach (CommentRangeEnd c in commentRangeEndToDelete)
// Delete the "CommentReference" for each deleted comment in the main document.
List<CommentReference> commentRangeReferenceToDelete =
doc.Descendants<CommentReference>().Where(c => commentIds.Contains(c.Id.Value)).ToList();
foreach (CommentReference c in commentRangeReferenceToDelete)
using (Stream stream = File.Open(ArtifactsDir + "Remove comments - OpenXML.docx", FileMode.CreateNew))