Working with VBA Macros


Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for Microsoft Word is a simple but powerful programming language that can be used to extend the functionality. Aspose.Words API provides three classes to get access to the VBA project source code:

  • The VBAProject class provides access to VBA project information
  • The VBAModuleCollection class returns the collection of VBA project modules
  • The VbaModule class provides access to the VBA project module
  • The VbaModuleType enumeration defines the types of a model in a VBA project. The module can be a procedural module, document module, class module, or designer module

Creating a VBA Project

Aspose.Words API provides the Dcoument.vba_project property to get or set VbaProject in the document. The following code example demonstrates how to create a VBA project and VBA Module along with basic properties e.g. name and type

Read Macros

The following code example demonstrates how to read VBA Macros from the document.

Write or Modify Macros

The following code example demonstrates how to modify VBA Macros using the VbaModule.source_code property.

Clone VBA Project

The following code example demonstrates how to clone the VBA Project using the VbaProject.clone method which creates a copy of the existing project. 

Clone VBA Module

The following code example demonstrates how to clone the VBA Module using the VbaModule.clone property which creates a copy of the existing project. 

Working with the VBA Project References

Aspose.Words API provides VbaReferenceCollection class to work with VBA Project References representing a collection of VBA project references. The following code example demonstrates how to remove some references from the collection of references from a VBA project.