Aspose.Words for Reporting Services Release Notes
We are happy to announce the release of Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 2.0, the unique product that enables the export of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services reports to Microsoft Word document formats. This release finally introduces a feature that has been expected by many users - export to flow layout documents! This means now you are able to convert RDL reports to “true”, “normal”, easy to edit documents as if they were created manually by an office worker! With the version 2.0 you can get documents that allow to insert paragraph breaks, contain tables crossing over pages that grow when adding contents, and so on.
Flow layout mode has been a research job and it still cannot guarantee the exact object positioning for some reports due to its nature. However, Aspose.Words for Reporting Services tries to convert reports as close to original design as possible. If you encounter any issues when exporting your reports in flow layout mode, please post it in the support forum and we will respond shortly.
Please note that the flow layout mode is now the default mode for report export. If you wish to keep the positioned layout as was done with the versions 1.x, add the particular option to the configuration file as described in the product documentation.