Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 4.2.0 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 4.2.0 (Msi)
Please welcome a major release of Aspose.Words for Reporting Services.What’s implemented:- WORDSRPT-156 (Support of Aspose.Words for .NET 13.X) // Currently the latest 14.3 is supported.What’s fixed- WORDSRPT-140 (First page contents moves to header of page)- WORDSRPT-148 (Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportServerException: The value ‘1’ is invalid) WORDSRPT-149 (Extra page break appears after conversion from RDL to RTF/Doc/Docx)- WORDSRPT-159 (Error with Reporting Services Render with DOCX (stress test))- WORDSRPT-161 (RDL to Text conversion issue with Text Wrap/position)- Minor fixes and improvements