Aspose.Words Reporting Services New Release Notes
We have decided to jump from 1.1 to 1.2 without publishing any minor hotfixes mainly because we added a very important and expected feature. That was briskly demanded by many users and we just could not leave their requests without attention. Note both deployment options (MSI installer and zip package) now include two assemblies, one for Reporting Services 2000 and the other for Reporting Services 2005. MSI installer will ask you what assembly should be installed; in the zip package they are located in the Bin\SSRS2000 and Bin\SSRS2005 directories, respectively.
This feature is far not the only improvement included into the release. It’s often impossible to list all fixes and improvements precisely because we are working on the product constantly and not all of the changes are registered (unless they were logged from a customer’s request). However, to evaluate the result of our efforts, please download the latest version and try it.
- Added support for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services.
The AWesomeExport technology improvements. Tables in Microsoft Word documents are now use slightly different approach to export cell paddings that makes them more stable and nice looking. 3177 – added the PageOrientation configuration option allowing to select portrait or landscape orientation in the exported documents (thanks to our community member for a great idea!). - Page breaks behaviour is now identical to the Microsoft renderers even in extremely complicated reports. Subreport layout fixes. Various minor fixes in many areas - again, we are grateful to our customers for the reports they sent us to test!