License Aspose.Words for Reporting Services

Licensing a Server

Download the license file and copy it to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\<Instance>\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin folder on the server. Where <Instance> is the subdirectory name that corresponds to the Microsoft SQL Server instance you want to license:

  • The default instance directory for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is MSSQL.
  • The default instance directory for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is MSSQL.x, where “x” is the instance identifier.
  • The default instance directory for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER.
  • The default instance directory for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 is MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER.
  • The default instance directory for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 is MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER.
  • The default instance directory for Microsoft SQL Server 2014 is MSRS12.MSSQLSERVER.
  • The default instance directory for Microsoft SQL Server 2016 is MSRS13.MSSQLSERVER.
  • The default instance directory for Microsoft SQL Server 2017 is MSRS14.MSSQLSERVER
  • The default instance directory for Microsoft SQL Server 2019 is MSRS14.MSSQLSERVER

Licensing Application Development

Add a reference to Aspose.Words for Reporting Services to your project and Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.dll will be automatically copied to the Bin (binary output) folder of your application.

The license can be loaded from a file, stream or an embedded resource. Aspose.Words for Reporting Services will try to find the license in the following locations:

  • Explicit path.
  • The folder that contains Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.dll.
  • The folder that contains the assembly that called Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.dll.
  • The folder that contains the entry assembly (your .exe).
  • An embedded resource in the assembly that called Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.dll.

Use the License.SetLicense method to license the component. The easiest way to set a license is to put the license file in the same folder as the Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.dll and specify just the file name without a path as shown in the following example:


Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.License license = new Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.License();

Visual Basic

Dim license As Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.License = New Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.License()

The following example shows how to set a license from a stream:


Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.License license = new Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.License();

Visual Basic

Dim license As Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.License = New Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.License()

Deploying a License with Your Application

Distribute the license file in the same folder as Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.dll.

Licensing Generation of Reports at Design Time

Download the license file and copy it to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio <Version>\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies, where <Version> is “8” for Visual Studio 2005 or “9.0” for Visual Studio 2008.

Testing a License

To test that a license has been installed correctly, export any report as a Microsoft Word document. If the document contains no watermark at the top, the license was activated successfully.

When a valid Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.lic is present in the ReportServer\bin folder, no evaluation watermark is added to the file


If there is a problem with the license, the error message will be output into the report
